v0.14.28-rc.1 This is a release candidate for v0.14.28. Resolved issues: * #1879: It is now possible to create custom event subscriptions via the REST API. * #2250: Removing large folders now uses less memory. * #3307: The minimum disk space (per folder and for the home disk) can now be set to an absolute value. * #3965: Pausing or reconfiguring a folder will no longer start extra scans. Pausing a folder stops scanning. * #3996: Ignore patterns can now be set at folder creation time, and for paused folders. * #4020: It is no longer possible to configure the GUI/API to listen on a privileged port using the standard settings dialog. * #4096: The device allowed subnet list can now include negative ("!") entries to disallow subnets. * #4112: Doing "Override changes" now uses less memory.